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POB-050-002: Powder Brake With Fan (Magnetic Particle Brake), 37 ft-lbs (444 in-lbs), 8.625" Outer Diameter
Powder Brake (Magnetic Particle Brake), 37 ft-lbs (444 in-lbs), 8.625" Outer Diameter
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Our Price: $978.40 Each

Availability: Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Weeks
Part #: POB-050-002

Includes 6" fan Printer Friendly Specification Sheet

AutoCAD dwg file

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pob 050.xls
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Particle Brake POB 050
Provides a smooth adjustable tension to your web while unwinding (paying off the roll).
Torque can be varied using a controller.
For contant torque without feedback use WT-PDC-05 controller.
For constant tension with feedback use VA-816 and Load Cell.
May also be controlled with a PLC (programmable logic controller)
Voltage is contant at 24 volts DC.
Vary the current to vary the torque. See table for maximum current.
Port for air cooling.

Coil Data Inertia of Compressed Cooling Air Maximum Allowable Weight of
Torque (167¡ÆF) Output Shaft
Weight Speed Magnetic
ft lbs Current Voltage Resistance Pressure Flow Rate Heat Powder
lb in (A) (V) (§Ù) psf psi cfs Dissipation lbs (rpm) oz
[Nm] [kgm 2] [pa] [m 3/min] (W) [kg] [g]
37 2.2 17 8 0.225 15 21 700 34 1800 2.1

[0.0095] [100000] [0.6]

L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 D1 D2 D3 D4(G7) Pathway Depth D(h7) W(p7) T(0-0.2)
7.60 4.00 2.20 1.20 3.60 8.60 7.70 3.90 2.90 M6 0.50 1.00 0.30 1.10
[193] [102] [55] [30] [91] [219] [196] [100] [74]
[12] [25] [7] [28]

Torque vs Current and Torque vs Speed

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