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You are here: Home > Knowledge Base > Torque and Horsepower Calculation
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First Calculate Torque - (Torq) in inch-pounds

You need to know:
(M) - Maximum Roll diameter in inches
(WW) - Web width (material width) in inches
(Ten) - Tension in PLI (pounds per linear inch)

Torq =(M/2) * (WW) * (Ten)

Torq = (26"/2) * (42") * (2 PLI)
Torq = 1,092 inch-pounds

Next calculate Heat Dissipation (HD) in horsepower

You need to know:
(Torq) - Torque in inch-pounds
(RPM) - RPM in revolutions per minute

HD = (Torq) * (RPM) / 63,025

HD = (1,092) * (100) / 63,025
HD = 1.73 Horsepower

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